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Here is a Method That is Helping Children Learn to Newton Huey

Thursday, September 8, 2011

i shoes tie will::Then you got to pull it tight i shoes tie will

i shoes tie will::Then you got to pull it tight.
Now you made a double knot!
Time my children have an easier time learning to tie their shoes by starting with something larger than a shoelace, which requires the use of their fingers instead of their whole hand, at a young age this is more difficult.
I sit the children down and tie a jump rope around their leg, then the learning process of tying shoes is done on a large scale.
Once they have the movements down, they easily switch to a shoe lace.
This can be taken in the car for practice on trips in addition to practcing at home.
At the ends fuse two different colored laces together forming one shoe string.
Lace a old shoe with this shoe string.
This gives the children a shoe to practice with two different colored strings so they can see all of the steps.
S once there was a rabbit that was very sad because his ears were so long and narrow that he stepped on them all the time.
Then she put one ear through the bottom of the x and pulled.
Next, she made each long ear into a loop and made another x like before.
She put an ear under that x and pulled again.
From then on the bunny remembered how to tie his ears into a bow, and he lived happily every after.
This story is great for a group activity where the children can help one another follow the story, and if you make pictures to go with the story the kids can follow the steps by themselves!
A loop that flipflops on the floor is as close as i can get.
And yank it into bows.
Paint an old pair of sneakers with gold spray paint and lace with bright colored laces.
All the children will want to practice tying their shoes.
Directions for tying shoes.
When teaching children how to tie their shoes, split up the entire process and teach it in steps.
Remember to undo and redo each step repeatedly, until it appears the child seems comfortable with it.
Not only does conquering a step encourage the child, but it makes the remainder of the task seems that much smaller, and therefore less intimidating.
Simply add a loop to one lace at the end of step 1.
The child releases the original loop, and grabs the second, newlycreated loop on the other side of the hole.
The child regrasps the original loop, so that they now have a loop between each thumb and index finger, and pulls the knot tight.
Directions for those who have trouble tying shoes the regular way.
Have the child make an x, put one end of the shoestring through the x and pull tight.
Most children do not have a problem with this.
Then make two long bunny ears, make an x with them, put one through the bottom part of the x and pull tight.
As an incentive, give them a new pair of laces.
Before asking the teacher for help ask 3 others first.
Tips sit behind the child while tying their shoes so they can see from their view how it is done.
To include your favorite shoe tying activity in this theme!


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